In the developing process, there were some stuff downloaded which I included in the original devkit.
Here are the downloads: from Mirror 1 (Onedrive) from Mirror 2 (Homeserver)
And here is what you get for it (copied from README.txt):
First of all, you need to call do.path in every new terminal window, else the paths are not defined. Call it like that:
. do.path
in your gbdk-root directory. (NOT ./do.path) Please look also at this post, my friend SneezyCerritus got all out of an old Gameboy Color.
+ gbdk-doc downloaded from (If you can redeem 8.8Mb for the Nintendo Manual, you can do that with this 50kb for sure.)
+ A shell script to set the path for GBDKDIR. Please change this to your own path.
+ do.path -> Call it with: ". do.path" because "./do.path" will not
set the variable globally.
+ RGBDS (compiled and source) for fixing the code to run on real GameBoy hardware.
+ Some PDF-resource.
+ GBCPUman.pdf -> GameBoy CPU Manual by some people from the internet.
This one contains some tips and tricks.
+ gb_programming_manual.pdf -> Original document by Nintendo.
I have no idea where I found this.
Biggest file of the whole compilation. ;)
+ A tile editor for LibreOffice: assets/ben0bis_GB_TileEditor.
+ And a font created with it, spread over several files in the assets/new folder.
+ Also as zip-file if you do something wrong.
+ New code from myself in the ben0bi-folder with some shell-scripts to automate.
+ ben0bi/credits -> Credits of this whole project. (Not finished yet)
+ ben0bi/IRremote -> An IR remote for your TV. (Not finished yet)
+ Some shell scripts from myself and updated Makefiles to use with libraries. (multiple .o-files)
Look in the subfolders of the ben0bi-folder:
+ Makefile -> the original one from the examples does not work properly.
+ do.all -> calls all the other do-files and starts the game after compiling.
It uses VisualBoy Advance (vba) as emulator, please install it.
+ do.compile -> calls "make clean" and then "make"
+ do.fix -> fixes the file to use on real GameBoy-Hardware.
You need to set the proper filename/s in all of this files.
+ New Examples, stolen from the internet:
+ examples/burlyGBC_src -> a little game where you are a bear.
I learned how to use graphics with that one.
Contains the original tile editor tiles17.xlsx
+ examples/IR -> contains some source to use the IR sensor.
(code not used yet.)